people on the beach razor clamming at sunset

Clamming Regulations

Stay up to date with your local clamming rules and regulations.


Shellfish Rule Change toll-free Hotline (866) 880-5431

Latest Domoic Acid Levels

Razor Clam Regulations


Shellfish Biotoxin Safety Hotline:
(800) 448-2474 (option #1)

Current Biotoxin Lab Results
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Shellfish Regulations

Razor Clam Regulations

  • Razor clams are closed July 15th to Sept. 30th north of Tillamook Head (Clatsop County).
  • Razor clams may be harvest by hand, shovel, clam gun or tube with an opening no less than 4" (cylindrical) or 4" X 3" (elliptical).
  • First 15 clams dug, no sorting or releasing. Clams must be retained regardless of size or condition.
  • All clams must be taken by hand or hand-powered tools.
  • Each digger must have their own container, dig their own clams and may not possess more than one limit of clams while in the clam digging area, except under an Oregon Disabilities Hunting and Fishing Permit.

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Oregon Biotoxin Closure Status Map


Shellfish Information Holine: (800) 553-4133

CDFW Domoic Acid Fishery Closure Information Line: (831) 649-2883


Try our Ocean Sport Fishing Interactive Web Map 

California Biotoxin Closure Status Map